Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Entry #9: Greasy Face

As any women would know, greasy face is not appealing and shows bad hygiene. It is something that is natural or caused because the person would eat to much greasy food. It can be maintained with rice papers to blot the oily part of the face, or instead just use a tissue paper, can use powdered makeup as well. 

However, for Native American women its much harder. After washing their face, a few minutes later their face is cover with greasy. In the light, their face looks so shiny. For example, if I were to place my face on the window shield after I washed my face five minutes before, You could see the imprint of my skin. It is gross and displeasing to see.

Its true.Native American woman have fry bread faces.

1 comment:

  1. Entry #9 was an assigned entry that was supposed to be about Pink Slime.
