1.Generally, the proper way to consume this crisp bread is to first pour honey on top. There is no particular way to pour the honey, zigzags, hearts, horizontal lines, vertical lines, or even in the center, as food consumers we do not judge.
2.Then after the sweetness of syrup is poured, sprinkle powdered sugar on the top as well. Best way to get an evenly coat of powdered sugar is to use a swifter.
3.Last is form. Anyone can just break a piece off and toss the bead into your face hole. However, to enjoy the soft, crisp of the bread, it needs to be rolled or folded, then eaten. The powdered sugar and honey need to be combined together for a more sweet sauce. Once rolled the consumer can get a layer of goodness and even coat of the bread and syrup.
In the household of my own, once fry bread is present, it will be devoured in two minutes.
HOWEVER! because of the frying of the bread it is loaded with calories and carbs. On top of the the syrup is another three days worth of meals. Its a huge calorie intake. One bread will give me, the term that will describe it, Fry Bread Flops.
Its very common or the typical Native American to have 10 Fry Bread-Flops after eating fry bread.
As a caution we need to take this seriously. Children are suffering from Fry Bread-Flops and its up to you to help them stop this addiction. To help cut down of fry bread making please call: 623-894-8623 for more information. Thank you.
Interesting. I am intrigued as to where that phone number would lead me.