Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Entry #10: New age is hilarious.

Back in the day, Native Americans families hardly took any photos of themselves because they had low income, and didn't have the type of technology at hand like we do today. However they did manage to show the memories of their lives.

But thanks to technology Native Americans can now show their true colors and styles of how we are. Share precious photos oh their lives to others. 

There are now able to capture the heritage instead of telling stories. How the beauty of how Native Americans see life. 

There are also the goofy sides of Native American. That can be left to families and their fond memories in the future.

Seeing the evolution of photo for native Americans is eye opening. There wasn't many that were taking but now, The culture is screaming threw the captured photos. Not only was it from serious photos to the goofiness of my family. Photos are photos and glad that I as a Native American can shared this with you all. 

Entry #9: Greasy Face

As any women would know, greasy face is not appealing and shows bad hygiene. It is something that is natural or caused because the person would eat to much greasy food. It can be maintained with rice papers to blot the oily part of the face, or instead just use a tissue paper, can use powdered makeup as well. 

However, for Native American women its much harder. After washing their face, a few minutes later their face is cover with greasy. In the light, their face looks so shiny. For example, if I were to place my face on the window shield after I washed my face five minutes before, You could see the imprint of my skin. It is gross and displeasing to see.

Its true.Native American woman have fry bread faces.

Entry #8: Muffin-tops? Its called fry bread-flops.

Fry Bread. It's a crunch of  deliciousness that will melt into your taste buds. It will leave you wanting more. Here are some tips how to enjoy the bread of the land:

 1.Generally, the proper way to consume this crisp bread is to first pour honey on top. There is  no particular way to pour the honey, zigzags, hearts, horizontal lines, vertical lines, or even in the center, as food consumers we do not judge.
2.Then after the sweetness of syrup is poured, sprinkle powdered sugar on the top as well. Best way to get an evenly coat of powdered sugar is to use a swifter.
3.Last is form. Anyone can just break a piece off and toss the bead into your face hole. However, to enjoy the soft, crisp of the bread, it needs to be rolled or folded, then eaten. The powdered sugar and honey need to be combined together for a more sweet sauce. Once rolled the consumer can get a layer of goodness and even coat of the bread and syrup.

In the household of my own, once fry bread is present, it will be devoured in two minutes.

HOWEVER! because of the frying of the bread it is loaded with calories and carbs. On top of the the syrup is another three days worth of meals. Its a huge calorie intake. One bread will give me, the term that will describe it, Fry Bread Flops.
Its very common or the typical Native American to have 10 Fry Bread-Flops after eating fry bread. 
As a caution we need to take this seriously. Children are suffering from Fry Bread-Flops and its up to you to help them stop this addiction. To help cut down of fry bread making please call: 623-894-8623 for more information. Thank you. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Entry #7: Love vs. Clan

As a young Native American woman its normal to find someone to be in love with or even want to marry. However it is very complicated to do so, there is age to consider, along with your type of interest, but most important it is clan. The work clan scares me to the point that when I here it brought up in a conversation, I want to switch topics. Clan by definition is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent.

But if asked by an Native American it means relation to you, relatives. Its very serious when the relationship is taken to the next level, to the point of marriage and reproducing.

The way to know what your clan is, is to ask your mother. It could get a little bit confusing but here is the simplest way. Every Native American has four clan names, wither they are half or a quarter Native American.  The first name is your mothers clan, because you were born from them. Second name is your fathers clan, because you came from them. Third name is your grandmothers clan. And fourth name would be your grandfathers clan name. It always starts with your mothers clan first out of respect and love. For example. in English, my clan name would be: Red Bottom, Coyote Clan, Salt Clan, and the last name. I don't know my grandmothers clan name on my fathers side.

So the number one rule of dating a Native American, if your Native American, is to make sure to know each others clan and to not be related by the first two names in your clan. If the other native has the same clan names of your parents clan, then there is not a chance your could date or marry them. It is Taboo to marry another native if they have the same clan name,

 If one were to break the rule and continue the relationship, they would be dishonoring both families. It would be compared to incest and the elders would look down on them. Another reason is that if they were to bear a child together, they is a chance of medical problems to the child and the child's physical state.

Coming from a first person experience, it is very hard on the heart to not be with someone you love because of that one name relation. However, its how we live and was raised to live by that rule. There are few who would break the rule and continue to love each other. But the rest of us will continue to live with that awkwardness of knowing we dated out cousin, by clan, and never again be loved by them.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Entry #6: Food Deserts still drying out the villages

Now a days during my English class, we continue to talk about the farming, how people grow their crops, how they treat their animals, whats the problem now in the farming community, and lastly how we as a nation can fix it. However, what caught my attention the most was the term "Food Deserts". Food deserts are  urban cities that have grocery stores but low on fresh product and mostly have caned vegetables. Its was something I have never heard of or knew existed. Once known to me it makes think that how could this be? all of the United States should be up to date already. It was naive to think that.

As thinking about the Food Deserts, It occurred to me that Native Americans also have food deserts where they live on the reservation and with in the cities too.

There are places like Farmington, that still have convenience stores, and a swap meet that are more closer to their home than an actual store like Walmart and Albersons. The stores have very less produce and more cans and junk food. Not only is it inconvenient and not an actual store, it has a lot of junk food making it unhealthy eating for younger and elder Native Americans. 

Its something that the Navajo Nation President needs to make up its a conversation starter. Especially, if we as Native American believe to treat the elders with the most respect. 

Continuing on to the food deserts, It is a problem that need to be fixed. It would have been easier if the people can grow their own produce, however do to most of the people who live along side the river, they are not capable to do so. The river is in very bad shape, its toxin and have junk in there. The river water had been absorbed into the land next to it and continued to neighboring homes, because of that there is no way to properly grow a garden unless it would be in pots. Plus it gets very hot to the point it would be hard to maintain. There goes most of the produce that could have ben grown to eat. 

It makes me sad to think that there is no way to help the markets and the people to get proper nutrition. Thankfully there have been added stored like Walmart that was built closer for now most people.