Sunday, February 21, 2016

Entry #2 : Cousins

Family is always there.  Even when they haven't seen each other for many years, they act like they  just seen one another only 5 minutes ago. Reminding us that we act like the children we were 10 years ago.

The main family members that make you feel like minutes have passed when it's has been hours are our cousins. Cousins are the family members that are children of our parents siblings. However, cousins are of close relation to were most people call them their sister/brother. Especially for the Native American.

As an Native American, cousins will be our best friend. If we hang out with anybody it will be our cousins. Because of that, they are always there even when that aren't physically. Other than just getting together with our cousins to talk and watch movies, there are meaningful activities in the Navajo Tradition that we share with them. When a child becomes a young woman called Kinaalda,
 their cousins join her in a ceremony that includes running further that the young woman, baking a cake and making traditional clothing or blanket. Because of theres significant events cousins will remain close until the very end.

Shiyaazh zeedii, meaning cousin in Navajo. This is to shine light on the Navajo Traditions to blog viewers.  

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed learning a little more about your culture in this post.
