It wasn't after the movie that I had felt something. It was during the entire movie that made me feel this tighting in my chest and frustrated as to why would big companies do such a thing to animals? And to the consumer? Why would consumer demand such cheap produce? I was shocked to find that farmers don't get the amount paid for their products. I continued to absorbed the information that was given by all the educated farmers.
The movie Fresh was educating consumers and beginner farmers of the lasted industrialized farming that the big company produce for them. Letting them know that here is a problem and it needs to be fixed or soon there wouldn't be any farmers left to help produce naturally produce products and change the way we should consume the food we eat.
The documentary though out was very interesting, There are scenes that I still remember and made a huge impact on me.
One was when One of the farmers named Joel Salatin, was educating the viewers that in order to keep the animal in good condition and the land, It all had to start from the grass. Grass plays a main key in farming according to Salatin. Salatin Also continues to explain that animals are made to be in the wild and have plenty of space to run and feed. However, because of the industrialized farming they keep the animals in very close approximation and feeding animals like pigs, chickens, and cows, grains when they are supposed to be feeding on grass and vegetables, because they are herbivorous.
One quote he keep saying was " we have to get the chicken-ness out of the chickens and the pig-ness out of the pigs." Salatin says that because it was said that the company' would feed the pigs and chickens dead remains of chickens and pigs. So to naturally feed them grass and leftover vegetation then the chicken would be chicken-less and pigs would be pig-less.
After hearing such clams, I felt not only upset and ready to scream at the farmer who had done such a thing. "Why? Why in the world would you do such a thing? I felt sadness, frustration and discus. It's similar to if they would've fed their own children dead remains of human waste. When the animal consume the remains its in their system and in her muscle, then consumer would soon eat them. That exactly what is happening. It not only bad for the consumers body but bad for the animals them selves. They are not meant to eat meat at all their body aren't build that way.
Other scenes I remember is when they introduced Will Allen. He was an ex basketball player that left the south to pursuit his basketball career. He then married a lady that owned a tiny 3 acre land and decided to farm there. He of course had little space to do it so he created a green house that grew upwards, using as much space as possible.
Will Allen has the passion to grown produce products as naturally as possible by using produce waste as vegetation for the plants and food. He gives lectures to travelers and allows them to walk around his garden to better educate them on how to grow plants and that everyone should eat clean. Allen is a very inspirational person, Its great that his is teaching others on how to help better them selves and the land.
This documentary, like others, opened up my ears, eyes and thoughts on how to take on industrial farming, food and how they are produces. It helped me learn new things that I would have never though about. Taking a different look on produce and feeling more grateful that there are people willing to grown such food with care. I work in a grocery store, Fry's, in the produce departments, so I handle all the fruits and vegetables. The next day at work after watching this movie, I looked at the produce differently and appreciated it more. I how now watched the type of produce I had purchased. Like going to food markets, and eating less processed food. It did change my life a little at a time.